50 ways to feel better in life

John King
3 min readJan 3, 2023
dream big and make it happen
  1. Set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them
  2. Exercise regularly to improve your physical and mental health
  3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  4. Get enough sleep to rest and recharge
  5. Practice gratitude by expressing appreciation for the things you have
  6. Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment
  7. Get organized to reduce stress and improve productivity
  8. Learn a new skill or hobby to challenge yourself and keep your mind active
  9. Volunteer your time to help others and give back to your community
  10. Practice good hygiene to keep yourself healthy and presentable
  11. Develop healthy relationships with friends and family
  12. Seek out opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement
  13. Take breaks and vacations to relax and recharge
  14. Practice good time management to make the most of your days
  15. Set boundaries with others to protect your time and energy
  16. Practice self-care by taking time for yourself and doing things that make you happy
  17. Read regularly to expand your knowledge and improve your vocabulary
  18. Learn a second language to open up new opportunities and cultural experiences
  19. Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges
  20. Find a healthy work-life balance
  21. Learn how to manage your money effectively
  22. Practice positive thinking and reframe negative thoughts
  23. Seek out support and help when you need it
  24. Learn how to manage stress effectively
  25. Practice good communication skills
  26. Learn how to set and achieve personal and professional goals
  27. Practice honesty and integrity in your daily life
  28. Find a support system of friends and loved ones who can help you through tough times
  29. Practice active listening to improve your relationships and understanding of others
  30. Seek out opportunities for personal development, such as workshops or seminars
  31. Take up a relaxation technique, such as meditation or yoga, to help you manage stress and find inner peace
  32. Practice forgiveness and compassion towards yourself and others
  33. Seek out therapy or counseling to work through any personal issues or challenges
  34. Practice self-acceptance and embrace your unique qualities
  35. Learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries with others
  36. Find ways to give back to your community and help those in need
  37. Practice random acts of kindness to spread positivity and joy
  38. Seek out and pursue your passions and hobbies
  39. Practice gratitude regularly by expressing appreciation for the things you have
  40. Learn how to manage your emotions effectively
  41. Practice empathy and put yourself in others’ shoes
  42. Find a healthy work-life balance to reduce stress and improve overall happiness
  43. Learn how to manage and reduce your anxiety
  44. Find ways to incorporate physical activity and movement into your daily routine
  45. Practice forgiveness and let go of resentment towards others
  46. Learn how to manage and reduce your stress levels
  47. Seek out opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement
  48. Find a healthy balance between work and play
  49. Practice self-care by taking time for yourself and doing things that make you happy
  50. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire you.



John King

I love to express my opinions and feelings based on truth and facts. My goal is to be positive and influence many to reach their goals also.I love reading books